Antonio Hollerman's Face
Antonio Hollerman's Face

My Skill Set

Python Developer

Data Analysis and Trends

SQL Script Writer

Data Visualization and Dashboards

Learned python from school and independent studies. Able to develop GUI apps (tkinter). Skills were practiced using all the projects below.

Able to find and describe trends in data using analysis techniques. Practiced data analysis in my "Stocks Market Value Analysis" and "Anime Dashboard"

Experienced with PostgreSQL and SQLite through my projects and some MySQL experience through my IBM data science course. On top of being able to do analysis on data using SQL scripts able to use APIs to access the database in python. My main focus in my "Calendar Manager" project was to hone in and display these skills.

Most of the time words alone are not enough to describe data trends. Using visualizations and interactive dashboards a story can be expressed more effectively. The visuals for my "Stocks Market Value Analysis" and "Anime Dashboard" projects are displayed on a Dashboard.



Stocks Market Value Analysis

Using data on a ticker previous market value from yfinance API, using a seen portion (one month) to predict a future unseen portion (past 4 months). The algorithm was able to buy and sell stocks on minimums (Buy) and maximums (Sell) determined from my regression model. Stock values, predicted values, and money profited if you used my model 4 months ago is all displayed as visuals in my Dashboard.

Stocks Dashboard: Dashboard Link


Data Dashboard

Made a Dashboard to practice web scrapping, data formatting, data analysis, and data visualization displaying different attributes or input in relation to the anime rating. Web scrapped this information using BeautifulSoup html parser on an anime website (MyAnimeList). After extracting the data, had to formatted it into rows of a PostgreSQL database. Finally, performed analysis on the data and made an interactive Dashboard using Dash to display the data in an easy-to-understand format.

Anime Dashboard: Dashboard Link


Calendar Manager

This project is a desktop application used to display and organize any reminders you may need. This project helped me practice dealing with dates, working with PostgreSQL and sqlite databases (made two versions), and making GUIs (tkinter). Personally this appilcation in my day to day because it is more convenient than the one preinstalled on my computer.

Dark Blue: Reminder

Light Blue: Today Date

Calendar Manager App: Download


Password Manager

This program can create and store your passwords and store them locally encrypted in a text file. This project allowed me to practice reading/writing text files, basic encrypting algorithm, and GUI development with tkinter.

Password Manager App: Download


Github: Github Link

LinkedIn: Linkedin Link

Coursera: Coursera Link


Phone Number: 305-776-5041