- IT Specialist
- Skills Learnt:
- Basics Of Python Development
- Working With Dates and Intervals
- IBM Data Science
- Skills Learnt:
- Data Science Methodology
- Data Analysis
- Data Visualization
- Writing Data Science Research Paper
- Basics Of Machine Learning
- SQL Scripts
- Intermediate Python Developer
- Basic Understanding of R
- Machine Learning with Python
- Skills Learnt:
- Sci-kit Packages: preprocessing, model_selection, and Model Packages
- Continuous Models: Regression and Ridge
- Categorical Models: Logistic Regression, SVM, Decision Trees, and KNN
- Data Analysis With Python
- Skills Learnt:
- Packages: Pandas, Numpy, and BeautifulSoup
- Data Wrangling
- LinearRegression and Ridge models from Sci-kit learn
- Data Visualization with Python
- Skills Learnt:
- Packages: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Folium, Plotly, and Dash
- Display Data through visuals
- Create Interactive Dashboards
- Creating Geographic Visuals
- Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
- Skills Learnt:
- MySQL Database Scripts
- IBM Cloud Database
- IBM Database API
- The Git & Github Bootcamp
- Skills Learnt:
- Basics of Git: Commits, Branches, Merges, etc
- Basics of Github: Push, Pull Requests, Pulls, Fetch, etc
- File Recovery Using Git and Github
- Learn Python Programming Masterclass
- Skills Learnt:
- Intermediate Python Development
- Python Data Structures
- Python Procedural and Object-Oriented Programming Approaches
- Working With txt and sqlite Files
- The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go from Zero to Hero
- Skills Learnt:
- Navigating PG Admin
- Creating and Connecting to PostgreSQL Databases
- Writing and Using SQL Scripts to Perform Analysis
- GUI Development with Python and Tkinter
- Skills Learnt:
- GUI Development
- Aligning Widgets From Tkinter
- Making Widgets Interactive